You may return most new, unopened items within 14 days of delivery for a refund, minus a 15% restocking fee. If the return is a result of our error, we'll provide a prepaid return label and the restocking fee will be waived. Items must be returned in the condition they arrived in. The box, UPC bar code, packaging, and all other accessories must be returned. Open software, music, games, movies, and personal hygiene products are not eligible for returns.
Certainly! Here are some alternative phrasings for "GDM HOME SERIES" while preserving the meaning:
1. GDM Residential Collection
2. GDM House Series
3. GDM Home Lineup
4. GDM Domestic Range
5. GDM Household Series
6. GDM Home Edition
7. GDM Living Series
8. GDM Homestyle Collection
Let me know if you need further modifications or additional options!